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Text Písně: A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie

Text Písně - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie Text Písně - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie
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Videoklip k Písni - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie Videoklip k Písni - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie
Karaoke k Písni - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie Karaoke k Písni - A Dream Within A Dream - Oren Lavie

the road stretches on from unknown destination
across open streams
through fields of carnations
it enters a city, a building
it stretches ahead
it stops at the feet
the feet of his bed

he's aware of a small inclination
a dream in a dream
he pays no attention
oranges hover and faces all over he knows
is how the dream goes

caught within a dream within a dream
a man within a man
caught within a thought within a thought
an ocean so deep
he will drown in his sleep

ths winds whistles lower and the windows are yielding
the telephone rings in the opposite building
a voice with a likable, unrecognizable air
it runs in the walls
it isn't quite there

he's aware of a change in the weather
a dream in a dream
he'll think of it later
a wonderful melody line that he couldn't quite get
he couldn't remember
he'd never forget

caught within a dream within a dream
a man within a man
caught within a thought within a thought
an ocean so deep
he will drown his sleep

Další písničky hudební skupiny Oren Lavie:

Oren Lavie - Trouble Don't Rhyme
Oren Lavie - A Short Goodbye
Oren Lavie - Don't Let Your Hair Grow Too Long
Oren Lavie - Blue Smile
Oren Lavie - A Quarter Past Wonderful

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Oren Lavie:

Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance
Oren Lavie - The Man Who Isn't There
Oren Lavie - The Opposite Side Of The Sea
Oren Lavie - Locked In A Room

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