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Text Písně: Crestfallen - Anathema

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I cry a tear of hate but it is lost in helplessness.
The darkness eats away at the very embers of my soul
For the deepest love I have has dissolved before my eyes.
My sorrow is bleak, I beg for deliverance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

All emotion is consumed by an inner silence.
All grief is unassuaged by disconsolate tears.
I want for nothing, I live for nothing.
I am waiting to die, but I am afraid dying.

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

Crestfallen emotion.
Wallowing in guilt trying
and drowning forevermore.

Falling deeper into fear.
My inner self is now
a sleeper of stone.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - At One with the Earth
Anathema - All Faith Is Lost
Anathema - They Die
Anathema - The Lord Of Mortal Pestilence
Anathema - Memento Mori

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - Fragile Dreams
Anathema - Leave No Trace
Anathema - Inner Silence
Anathema - One Last Goodbye
Anathema - Are You There?

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