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Text Písně: A Dying Wish - Anathema

Text Písně - A Dying Wish - Anathema Text Písně - A Dying Wish - Anathema
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I bear the seed of ruin
A golden age turned to stone
Elysium ..... to dust

For this, a tragic journey
A vision of a dying embrace
Scattered earth
Silence .....

Where Echonia wept
I sank into the silent desert

Fallen am I,
In the solitude of a broken promise
..... I cried alone
My empyrean is a scar
From the memory of her beautiful life
Forever was her name

Fulfilment lost in a lifetime of regret
Ornate peace would cover me
As I would die now .....
For one last wish

Další písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - Hope
Anathema - Cries In The Wind
Anathema - Fragile Dreams
Anathema - Empty
Anathema - Nailed To The Cross / 666

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - Fragile Dreams
Anathema - Leave No Trace
Anathema - Inner Silence
Anathema - One Last Goodbye
Anathema - Are You There?

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