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Text Písně: Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low

Text Písně - Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low Text Písně - Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low
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Karaoke k Písni - Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low Karaoke k Písni - Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low

Time to lay claim to the evidence
Fingerprints sell me out
But our footprints washed away
From the docks downtown
It's been getting late for days
And I feel myself deserving of a little time off
We can kick it, hang for hours
And just mouth off about the world
And how we know it's going straight to hell

Pass me another bottle, honey
The Jaeger's so sweet
But if it keeps you around, then I'm down

Meet me on Thames Street
I'll take you out
Though I'm hardly worth your time
In the cold, you look so fierce
But I'm warming up
Because the tension's like a fire
We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes
And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line
Fall in the grave I've been digging myself
But there's room for two
Six feet under the stars

I should have known better than to call you out
(On a night like this, a night like this)
If not for you, I know I'd tear this place to the ground
(But I'm all right like this, all right like this)
I'm gonna roll the dice
Before you sober up and get gone
I'm always in over my head

Thames Street
I'll take you out
Though I'm hardly worth your time
In the cold, you look so fierce
But I'm warming up
Because the tension's like a fire
We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes
And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line
Fall in the grave I've been digging myself
But there's room for two
Six feet under the stars

Time to lay claim to the evidence
Fingerprints sell me out
But our footprints washed away
I'm guilty, but I'm safe for one more day
Overdressed and underage
Do you really need see an ID?
This is embarrassing as hell
But I can cover for it so well
When we're six feet under the stars

Thames Street
I'll take you out
Though I'm hardly worth your time
In the cold you look so fierce
But I'm warming up
Because the tension's like a fire
We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes
And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line
Fall in the grave I've been digging myself
But there's room for two
Six feet under the stars
Six feet under the stars
Six feet under the stars

Další písničky hudební skupiny All Time Low:

All Time Low - Holly (Woluld you turn me on?)
All Time Low - Shameless
All Time Low - Remembering Sunday
All Time Low - Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last for a Night)
All Time Low - Come One, Come All

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny All Time Low:

All Time Low - Dear Maria
All Time Low - Vegas
All Time Low - The beach
All Time Low - This Is How We do
All Time Low - Let It Roll

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