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Text Písně: For Salvation - All That Remains

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wallow in darkness
and ever lasting pain
this signals defiance
to bring forth mankind's gain
this nations compliance
to what is fed to them
may lead to disaster
unless a change is made

I will not be swept aside
nor will I change inside
but I'll fear not compromise
to benefit mankind

now pride is our enemy
for salvation this we must believe

Další písničky hudební skupiny All That Remains:

All That Remains - Tattered On My Sleeve
All That Remains - This Darkened Heart
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude
All That Remains - From These Wounds
All That Remains - Follow

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny All That Remains:

All That Remains - This Calling
All That Remains - Not Alone
All That Remains - It Dwells In Me
All That Remains - We Stand
All That Remains - Whispers

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