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Text Písně: Never Ending War - All Shall Perish

Text Písně - Never Ending War - All Shall Perish Text Písně - Never Ending War - All Shall Perish
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How much longer can we .... keep on mass
Murdering our only interests our power
And greed have we become what those
Before us escaped from? Have we disregarded
All of our beliefs? Self-righteous conquest and
Rejection of the truth for disinformation money
....see our potential with this world? how can...
We go... on following our government's hidden
Agendas we must fight.... back don't let
Disinformation control your thoughts
Never ending war.... till we have all felt the pain
That is the end we now face. on this path of
Destruction and they keep us from thinking' about
It power getting richer as they keep us from
Thinking' about if the masses ignorant as to
Why we shed the blood of the innocent we must
Keep on fighting for the ones who are to lost to
For themselves this road to "peace" will end us
All. will end us all!!! tear down the walls of illusion
For the ones who simply turn their heads the price
Of always being silent will be paid for with your
Grave. with your grave!!!! tear down the walls of
Their illusion for the ones who simply turn their
Heads a blind death awaits your carcass you know
Not of the pain thats ahead endless hate malice
Revenge war pain and death never ending will you
Fight? Or shun from the fate that's everyone's
We must not just sit here and watch as we die
Away so easy to forget, don't close, your eyes.

Další písničky hudební skupiny All Shall Perish:

All Shall Perish - Herding The Brainwashed

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny All Shall Perish:

All Shall Perish - When Life Meant More...
All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign
All Shall Perish - Never... Again
All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers
All Shall Perish - Memories Of A Glass Sanctuary

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