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Hudební skupiny > A > Alkaline Trio > I Found Away

Text Písně: I Found Away - Alkaline Trio

Text Písně - I Found Away - Alkaline Trio Text Písně - I Found Away - Alkaline Trio
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Karaoke k Písni - I Found Away - Alkaline Trio Karaoke k Písni - I Found Away - Alkaline Trio

Storming through the dark with a broken heart
All alone at it once again
Seeping in like a feeling
You haven't felt since way back when
In the dead of that night
Like the summer of Sam
I got word of the promotion
You caused me a telegram
And got all worked up
We got all worked up

I found a way
Through the fear and through the flames
I'm diving in, don't follow me
Stay right here, I'll be back for you someday
I found a way
It'd be best if you just stayed
It's not safe, don't follow me
I found a way
I found a way

Frozen in the lights of a locomotive
Tied to the tracks again
You said you haven't felt this comatose
Since you can't remember when
Fly off the handle every time
We sleep straight off with it

I found a way
Through the fear and through the flames
I'm diving in, don't follow me
Stay right here, I'll be back for you someday
I found a way
It'd be best if you just stayed
It's not safe, don't follow me
I found a way
I found a way

Oh whoa
Oh whoa

From the top of my lungs
The truth shall be sung
Sharp and damning
Violently stabbing at secrecy
That look on your face
It's more than I can take
It scaring the living hell shit out of me

I found a way
Through the fear and through the flames
I'm diving in, don't follow me
Stay right here, I'll be back for you someday
I found a way
It'd be best if you just stayed
It's not safe, don't follow me
I found a way
I found a way

I found a way
I found a way

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alkaline Trio:

Alkaline Trio - Do You Wanna Know?
Alkaline Trio - Live Young, Die Fast
Alkaline Trio - Love Love Kiss Kiss
Alkaline Trio - Lost And Rendered
Alkaline Trio - Ruin It

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alkaline Trio:

Alkaline Trio - Calling All Skeletons
Alkaline Trio - Help Me
Alkaline Trio - In Vein
Alkaline Trio - Over And Out

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