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Hudební skupiny > G > Gina-G > Everytime I Fall

Text Písně: Everytime I Fall - Gina-G

Text Písně - Everytime I Fall - Gina-G Text Písně - Everytime I Fall - Gina-G
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Karaoke k Písni - Everytime I Fall - Gina-G Karaoke k Písni - Everytime I Fall - Gina-G

Everytime I fall for your eyes
Like the raindrops fall from the sky
Everytime I hear your name
In this loving game

There is something in the way
your eyes talk to me
Just as if they seem to say
(stay here with me, babe)
Just as if they seem to say
(stay with me)

Everytime I fall for your eyes
Like the raindrops all from the sky
Everytime I hear your name
In this loving game

All I need is to express it all
My echo listens
When I hear myself confess
(you are my weakness)
When I hear myself confess
(you are my weakness)

Everytime I fall for your eyes
Like the raindrops fall from the sky
Everytime I hear your name
In this loving game

I say, I say, I say

Everytime I fall for your eyes
Like the raindrops fall from the sky
Everytime I hear your name
In this loving game

Everytime I fall for your eyes
Like The raindrops fall from the sky
Everytime I hear your name
In this loving game

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gina-G:

Gina-G - Ti Amo
Gina-G - Fresh

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gina-G:

Gina-G - Just A Little Bit
Gina-G - I Belong To You

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