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Hudební skupiny > G > Art Garfukell > All I Know

Text Písně: All I Know - Art Garfukell

Text Písně - All I Know - Art Garfukell Text Písně - All I Know - Art Garfukell
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Videoklip k Písni - All I Know - Art Garfukell Videoklip k Písni - All I Know - Art Garfukell
Karaoke k Písni - All I Know - Art Garfukell Karaoke k Písni - All I Know - Art Garfukell

I bruise you, you bruise me
We both bruise too easily, too easily to let it show
I love you and that's all I know .

All my plans have fallin' through,
All my plans depend on you, depend on you to help them grow,
I love you and that's all I know.

When the singer's gone let the song go on...

But the ending always comes at last,
Endings always come too fast,
They come too fast but they past too slow,
I love you and that's all I know .

When the singer's gone let the song go on,
It's a fine line between the darkness and the dawn.
They say in the darkest night there's a light beyond

But the ending always comes at last,
Endings always come too fast,
They come too fast
But they past too slow,
I love you, and that's all I know.
That's all I know, that's all I know.

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