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Hudební skupiny > G > Galactic Industry > Remake

Text Písně: Remake - Galactic Industry

Text Písně - Remake - Galactic Industry Text Písně - Remake - Galactic Industry
Překlad Písně - Remake - Galactic Industry Překlad Písně - Remake - Galactic Industry
Videoklip k Písni - Remake - Galactic Industry Videoklip k Písni - Remake - Galactic Industry
Karaoke k Písni - Remake - Galactic Industry Karaoke k Písni - Remake - Galactic Industry

I look to your eyes
You seem to be old
but your age is not high
something is wrong
I know where´s (the) mistake
but it´s hard to say
your life is so rotten

You cannot go
through the usual door
You can not breath
smoke is your friend
I know where´s (the) mistake
but it´s hard to say
your life is so rotten

I have a good reason
to make you happy

Time is our crime
you don´t feel fine
your time is over
next life is your chance

You say it´s my choice
(but) you´re tragically mistaken
you are a parasite
of our society
Do you know where´s (the) mistake?
you must still say:
my life is so rotten
I´d like to predict you
sweet life in heaven
but you can await
only sweat and blood
Do you know where´s the mistake?
you must still say:
my life is so rotten

I have a good reason
to make you happy

Time is our crime
you don´t feel fine
your time is over
next life is your chance

Další písničky hudební skupiny Galactic Industry:

Galactic Industry - Slight
Galactic Industry - There Is No Way
Galactic Industry - What Is Legal?
Galactic Industry - Wonderful Life
Galactic Industry - Worse Than THC

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Galactic Industry:

Galactic Industry - Perfect Life
Galactic Industry - All We Are Pieces
Galactic Industry - Cavernous Man
Galactic Industry - Chemical Reaction
Galactic Industry - Fall Down

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