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Text Písně: Captain Morgan's Revenge - Alestorm

Text Písně - Captain Morgan's Revenge - Alestorm Text Písně - Captain Morgan's Revenge - Alestorm
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Karaoke k Písni - Captain Morgan's Revenge - Alestorm Karaoke k Písni - Captain Morgan's Revenge - Alestorm

Countless years ago, while lost in barren seas
There whispered murmurs of a bloody mutiny
We took up arms and slayed the officers of rank
And with swords drawn, made the captain walk the plank

But as he fell down to the depths, he swore a deadly curse
"As sure as hell's my final fate, You'll all soon die or worse"
Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the end
I'll say these final words my friend

At sunrise we will dance the hempin jig
So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig
The curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fate
So have no fear and don't look back
The afterlife awaits!

We returned to port with sorrow in our chests
An evil shadow followed us on every quest
Never to feel joy again was our fate
Only misery and death, fear and burning hate

We broke the law, betrayed the code
Now time is running out
An unforgivable offence
Oh, of that there is no doubt

Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the end
I'll say these final words my friend

At sunrise we will dance the hempin jig
So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig
The curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fate
So have no fear and don't look back
The afterlife awaits!

Many years, have passed now
Yet, the curse still lives on
And now we rot, in a black prison cell
Waiting for our true calling in hell!

But for the lives we leave behind, don't shed a tear don't cry
The only way to break this curse is for us all to die
Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the end
I'll say these final words my friend..

At sunrise we will dance the hempin jig
So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig
The curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fate
So have no fear and don't look back
The afterlife awaits!

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Alestorm - Flower Of Scotland
Alestorm - Nancy The Tavern Wench
Alestorm - Over The Seas
Alestorm - The Huntmaster

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alestorm:

Alestorm - Leviathan
Alestorm - Keelhauled
Alestorm - Wolves Of The Sea
Alestorm - The Quest
Alestorm - That Famous Ol'Spiced

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