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Text Písně: Early Morning - Alesana

Text Písně - Early Morning - Alesana Text Písně - Early Morning - Alesana
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Videoklip k Písni - Early Morning - Alesana Videoklip k Písni - Early Morning - Alesana
Karaoke k Písni - Early Morning - Alesana Karaoke k Písni - Early Morning - Alesana

Last night I forgot how the sound your voice whispered sweet
Goodbyes, your eyes left to die
I'm alone too
I don't stand why

Why not one more night
one last kiss good bye
my sweet love tonight
I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

Kiss my closings eyes
Help me sleep without you I'm so lost
Tonight I cry
Tell me why
I can't live without your warm embrace

Why not one more night
one last kiss good bye
my sweet love tonight
I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

I close my eyes and you are everything I see

Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
I'll see you soon
Goodbye my love
Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
Let me live

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alesana:

Alesana - Apology
Alesana - Endings Without Stories
Alesana - And They Call This Tragedy
Alesana - Not A Single Word About This
Alesana - Red And Dying Evening

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alesana:

Alesana - What Goes Around,.Comes Around
Alesana - Apology (acoustic)
Alesana - A Most Profound Quiet - Alesana
Alesana - This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream - Alesana
Alesana - Goodbye Goodnight For Good

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