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Hudební skupiny > F > Flyleaf > Set Apart This Dream

Text Písně: Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf

Text Písně - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf Text Písně - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf
Překlad Písně - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf Překlad Písně - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf
Videoklip k Písni - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf Videoklip k Písni - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf
Karaoke k Písni - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf Karaoke k Písni - Set Apart This Dream - Flyleaf

Close your eyes little girl
You’re a princess now
You own this world
Twirling in your twirly dress
You’re the loveliest far above the rest

You build your castles in the skies
Stars reflecting off your eyes
And angels sing on silver clouds
And no one cries screams or shouts

Oh set apart this dream
Oh set apart this dream for me
Set apart this dream for me

Close your eyes pretty girl
'Cause its easier when you brace yourself
Set your thoughts on a world far off
Where we only cry from joy

Oh set apart this dream
Oh set apart this dream for me
Set apart this dream for me

Oh lovely and beautiful
Precious and priceless
You’re so much more than you know
Heart of the purest gold
Pure clean and white snow
Clothed in such splendor
Oh what a beauty for me

Set apart this dream
Set apart this dream

Oh set apart this dream (Set apart this dream)
Oh set apart this dream for me (Set apart this dream)
Set apart this dream for me

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flyleaf:

Flyleaf - Swept Away
Flyleaf - Tiny Heart
Flyleaf - Treasure
Flyleaf - Circle
Flyleaf - Arise

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flyleaf:

Flyleaf - Brathe Today
Flyleaf - All Around Me
Flyleaf - I´m So Sick
Flyleaf - Cassie
Flyleaf - I'm Sorry

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