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Text Písně: Fat City - Airbourne

Text Písně - Fat City - Airbourne Text Písně - Fat City - Airbourne
Překlad Písně - Fat City - Airbourne Překlad Písně - Fat City - Airbourne
Videoklip k Písni - Fat City - Airbourne Videoklip k Písni - Fat City - Airbourne
Karaoke k Písni - Fat City - Airbourne Karaoke k Písni - Fat City - Airbourne

Midnight bite at the Cherry
So sweet is the juice
I'm free from the chains
And all the dogs are running loose

Well I'm chasing my tail
And I'm losing my head
Yeah I'm falling down
I can't feel my legs

I'm on my way to a better place

Fat City juiced up and ready
Fat City I'm already gone
Fat City juiced up and ready
Battered and bruised I keep a rolling on
Rollin’ on

Saddle sore at the pony
From the black rockin' chair
I got what I need
I'm already there ouh yeah

I been riding so hard
Drank all the dregs
And she’s falling down
She can't feel her legs

Oh Yeah we're on our way to a better place

Fat City juiced up and ready
Fat City I'm already gone
Fat City juiced up and ready
Battered an' bruised I keep a rolling on

Rollin' on, Rollin' on,
I keep a rollin' on
I keep a rollin' on

Fat City juiced up and ready
Fat City I'm already gone
Fat City juiced up and ready
Battered an' bruised I keep a rolling on
Rollin' on, Rollin' on, Rollin' on, Rollin' on

Další písničky hudební skupiny Airbourne:

Airbourne - Blackjack
Airbourne - What's Eatin' You
Airbourne - Girls In Black
Airbourne - Cheap Wine & Cheaper Women
Airbourne - Heartbreaker

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Airbourne:

Airbourne - Stand Up For Rock N Roll
Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
Airbourne - Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
Airbourne - Diamond In The Rough

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