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Text Písně: Informative Timeline - Fair To Midland

Text Písně - Informative Timeline - Fair To Midland Text Písně - Informative Timeline - Fair To Midland
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Karaoke k Písni - Informative Timeline - Fair To Midland Karaoke k Písni - Informative Timeline - Fair To Midland

While i'm young i'm gonna waste my breath,
Watch as they congregate,
I'm gonna take his steps,
Repeat and circle left,
Right now he's still not listening.

While i'm young i'm gonna waste my time,
Because i'm already aging,
Can't you reason like on t.v.?
Where you won't feel alone?
It's a bit too much,
But i'm just asking.

I'm not made of gold or silver now.
Bronze is sharp and always used it's edge.
Well i've seen your smile and still it cracks like whips.
When i go bankrupt i'll be filthy rich.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Fair To Midland:

Fair To Midland - An Occurrence During The Restoration Process
Fair To Midland - Stiffback
Fair To Midland - As I Was Travelling...
Fair To Midland - Gaining One
Fair To Midland - Quince

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Fair To Midland:

Fair To Midland - ...(i)...
Fair To Midland - With This Easel.
Fair To Midland - See, Saw
Fair To Midland - Beto II
Fair To Midland - Pen-_-.

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