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Hudební skupiny > F > Falling Up > Symmetry

Text Písně: Symmetry - Falling Up

Text Písně - Symmetry - Falling Up Text Písně - Symmetry - Falling Up
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Karaoke k Písni - Symmetry - Falling Up Karaoke k Písni - Symmetry - Falling Up


Stop this, you're never going to find it
When you complicate, you are left behind but
Longing, steals away the night
And steps away from eyes that are always searching
This time, you can feel his voice
And He's never going to stop until it sinks in deeply
Falling, consecrated lies
And you're letting go with time cause you're through with keeping

It's so real, never gonna stop till you want it,
Want it
It's so real, never gonna stop

Cause we're moving with a symmetry
And we're crashing like the waves in the sea
And we're moving to your heart this time

Crashing, feel the way we move
Open up your eyes to the things around you
Haunting, take away the tears
Cause you know that your heart is so close to
This time, you can feel his voice
And He's never gonna stop until it sinks in deeply
Falling, consecrated lies
And you're letting go with time cause you're through with keeping

It's so real
You are, you are.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Falling Up:

Falling Up - Places
Falling Up - New Hope Generation
Falling Up - Falling In Love
Falling Up - Escalates
Falling Up - Divinity

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Falling Up:

Falling Up - The Gathering

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