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Text Písně: Song (Dream) - Equirhodont

Text Písně - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont Text Písně - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont
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Videoklip k Písni - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont Videoklip k Písni - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont
Karaoke k Písni - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont Karaoke k Písni - Song (Dream) - Equirhodont

Ages ago I tried to inspire life to Creatures once more. I have called them
People! I heard this word from Rodaxx once and I liked it. Oh, what an error
again. Again there appeared Other Forces on the stage. This time they have
brought things they have called "gods" to help them. A smart move, really.
The Others are more and more perfect.

With bewitching whisper
I will conjure up everything
I will recite the mysterious Words,
Gates to the Unknown - wide open.

I know glittering worlds,
And also worlds treaded down by Destruction,
I penetrate into Depths
Which you will never see.

By fiery whirlwind I will cure
The insanity and doom of the world,
With the icy breath I make sleep
Everybody, who have survived.

Flaming bodies, weeping and laugh,
Icy tears, Magic of Masters.
I will curse you forever,
There is no Return from my words.

And so Rodaxx's People turned out to be my big mistake, too. That time,
after their infamous termination I decided to live only in our Higher Orders
and dream cobwebs. The Lives with Rˇon and Xerida were wonderful.

During my wandering travels I came to the Empire I did not know and which
had not been created by anybody. It existed by itself, it was the moving
power of the very essence of Magic and Mystery. In human words, I spent
there millions of Ages and if I had not been evoked once again, I would have
stayed there forever. But somebody was calling me, somebody was invoking me
tenaciously and toughly. So I went.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Equirhodont:

Equirhodont - The Lake Flower Of Evil
Equirhodont - The Monolith Of Demons I
Equirhodont - Bridge To The...
Equirhodont - The Monolith Of Demons II

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Equirhodont:

Equirhodont - Crystal - Oration Of Cryst
Equirhodont - Return
Equirhodont - Power Of Crystal
Equirhodont - The Way
Equirhodont - Lar - Lar

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