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Text Písně: Hero In A Dream - Ensiferum

Text Písně - Hero In A Dream - Ensiferum Text Písně - Hero In A Dream - Ensiferum
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A witch read from the palm of his hand
that his life would turn into darkness
and alone he would face all demons
from his past that he tries to forget
An elder king warned of the dangers
that lie in the valleys of north and
his only chance was to find his shadow
so he had to set forth

He is the man who travels in the land
of dragons and magic spells
He rides in the winds of fire and snow
and he rules the forest of elves

Slash of the golden sword
a flash in the burning night
Curse of the evil lord
He is fighting for his life for the last time

Oh such beauty in time, but it's just external
He cannot see the truth with his eyes, so he is bound by a lie

The snow starts falling in paradise, as he gazes at the stars
He will be born again in the sky, when the night turns into a dawn

On the way to the ancient castle of time
he will soon be damned by rage
so that his pride could betray him
when it's time to set him free
The fears in his mind had to be pushed aside
as he walked through the gates
He will never die
'cause he is truly a Hero in a Dream

Další písničky hudební skupiny Ensiferum:

Ensiferum - Token Of Time
Ensiferum - Guardians Of Fate
Ensiferum - Old Man (Väinämöinen Pt. I)
Ensiferum - Little Dreamer (Väinämöinen Pt.II)
Ensiferum - Abandoned

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Ensiferum:

Ensiferum - Battle song
Ensiferum - Blood Is The Price Of Glory
Ensiferum - Deathbringer From The Sky
Ensiferum - Ahti
Ensiferum - One More Magic Potion

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