Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dååth > War Born

Text Písně: War Born - Dååth

Text Písně - War Born - Dååth Text Písně - War Born - Dååth
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Fall, spawns of malicious mantra seek
The dogs are looking but they will not see
The thoughts fall apart, the false elite
The broken shells feed on the living yeast
Jumping dark in the bones of me
Resonate in the lower part best
Doubled in elation, seek
Looking but you are not free
Eats of it's own
A mins that's sick
Feed the flood
War Born, contemplation
War Born, the dog's peridition
War Born, in complecation
War Born, tri-adverserenade
The thoughts of normaley
Locked in the halls of victory
The hands reach up
Supporting the cup of conformity
Fall, spawns of malicious mantra seek
The dogs are looking, but they will not see
The thoughts fall apart, the false elite
The broken shells feed on the living yeast

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dååth:

Dååth - Dead on the Dancefloor
Dååth - Blessed Through Misery
Dååth - The Hinderers
Dååth - The One
Dååth - Placenta

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dååth:

Dååth - Sharpen the Blades
Dååth - Self Corruption Manifesto
Dååth - The Worthless
Dååth - The Unbinding Truth
Dååth - Silenced

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