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Hudební skupiny > D > Dagoba > The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony)

Text Písně: The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba

Text Písně - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba Text Písně - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba
Překlad Písně - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba Překlad Písně - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba
Videoklip k Písni - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba Videoklip k Písni - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba
Karaoke k Písni - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba Karaoke k Písni - The White Guy (And The Black Ceremony) - Dagoba

I wanted to believe in a pure part of
Human being, like a hidden face of the moon
A great secret that gods have kept
All around me painted faces, black nails,
Orgy of big breasted girls -then-
The darkness took my soul away

Inversing values
Entering death cruise
I' ve passed over the road,
Where wine turns to blood

Hottest flames,
Right down under my feet
I was a white guy
Lost in a black ceremony...

A voice that seems to come from inside of me
Tells me how to liberate myself
I' ve chosen to be my own messiah !

Inversing values
Entering death cruise
I' ve passed over the road,
Where wine turns to blood

Hottest flames,
Right down under my feet
I am a spare rib
In this final barbecue
Books and icons,
Necronomicon !
I was a white guy
Lost in a black ceremony...

"Come into darkness, follow the blackest way
where dinner is coming, in my plate...your soul is !"
I create the rules- of a dying world !
Dominion- here comes the chaos !
Give me your entire trust- you ate my soul
I' ll be your eyes- I won't see anymore...
I create the rules- of a dying world !
Dominion- here comes the chaos !
Give me your entire trust- take my soul
I' ll be your eyes- be me sight !

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dagoba:

Dagoba - Something Stronger
Dagoba - Another Day
Dagoba - Year Of The Scape Goat
Dagoba - Dopesick
Dagoba - Act 1, part 2

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dagoba:

Dagoba - Something Stronger
Dagoba - Gods Forgot Me
Dagoba - Rush
Dagoba - Gods Forgot Me
Dagoba - Pornscars

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