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Hudební skupiny > D > Dark Moor > Born In The Dark

Text Písně: Born In The Dark - Dark Moor

Text Písně - Born In The Dark - Dark Moor Text Písně - Born In The Dark - Dark Moor
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Karaoke k Písni - Born In The Dark - Dark Moor Karaoke k Písni - Born In The Dark - Dark Moor

Wars in the night
Fear in my eyes
And fighting with all the warriors
Keeping all the treasures
Hiding the reasons
And watching (the) warriors falling down
I would like to be a bird
I would like to be a man
When the fire runs withe me
I will feel free again

Born in the dark
Fighting with us
There is no reason to let you down
Come with us now
It's cold at dawn
There is no reason
Born in the dark

Power in my hands
Fear in my veins
And calling my brothers right now
Fighting with corpses
There is no return
And moving mountains with faith
I can see the light on me
I can see my destiny
When the fire runs with me
I will feel free again


Další písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - Dragon Into The Fire
Dark Moor - Silver Lake
Dark Moor - Somewhere In Dreams
Dark Moor - Quest For The Eternal Fame
Dark Moor - Maid Of Orleans

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - The King's Sword
Dark Moor - Time Is The Avenger
Dark Moor - Walhalla
Dark Moor - Flying
Dark Moor - The Call

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