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Text Písně: The Devil Is Laughing - David Krumpholz

Text Písně - The Devil Is Laughing - David Krumpholz Text Písně - The Devil Is Laughing - David Krumpholz
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Karaoke k Písni - The Devil Is Laughing - David Krumpholz Karaoke k Písni - The Devil Is Laughing - David Krumpholz

David Krumpholz

He repeatedly fell out of my claw
when he sees me he knows that it has no chance
his blood to draw on my face
and let that bother.

I'll go look for sure know where the hidden
I have not run away again, hiding in hell
I find him to tear it like a snake
and never does not provoke me.

I need to find inspiration, how to destroy
He has provoked me to ridicule.


The devil is laughing cow nasty smile
the moment I will do funny slave
I will destroy him and will do in hell bitch
his heart and send a deadly witch.

Throw his body at the bottom of hell
beast in the tomb of the dream play
scraped out his eyes and bite into the artery
and packed it in a shroud of death.

Later I'll toss it into the hot boiler
I watch as slowly dying
and when he dies will be over and above
to black, the darkness and all the hell.


The devil is laughing cow nasty smile
the moment I will do funny slave
I will destroy him and will do in hell bitch
his heart and send a deadly witch.

He injects the helpless body on a pole
and then split tear of the Filthy bastard.


The devil is laughing cow nasty smile
the moment I will do funny slave
I will destroy him and will do in hell bitch
his heart and send a deadly witch.


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David Krumpholz - Devils Face Burned
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David Krumpholz - Night Is Not Easy
David Krumpholz - Angels Can Go To Die
David Krumpholz - Bite Us Beast
David Krumpholz - Children Are Evil Smile

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