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Text Písně: I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates

Text Písně - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates Text Písně - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates
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Videoklip k Písni - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates Videoklip k Písni - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates
Karaoke k Písni - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates Karaoke k Písni - I 18 - Dead Smiling Pirates

There is a chance, winning the lottery
And it is free, the transportation

Dont You believe that Im 18 yeaha
Dont You believe that everythings great on MTV yeaha
And youer old wife is a sex machine yeaha
And all the banks are only here to help you

Out on the streets, people are so nice
So give war a chance, like in the 70s

Dont You believe that Im 18 yeaha
Dont You believe that everythings great on MTV yeaha
And youer old wife is a sex machine yeaha
And all the banks are only here to help you

Dont You believe that Im 18 yeaha
Dont You believe that everythings great on MTV yeaha
And youer old wife is a sex machine yeaha
And all the banks are only here to help you

Dont You believe that Im 18 yeaha
Dont You believe that everythings great on MTV yeaha
And youer old wife is a sex machine yeaha
And all the banks are only here to help you

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dead Smiling Pirates:

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dead Smiling Pirates:

Dead Smiling Pirates - Grounded
Dead Smiling Pirates - Strictly Ballroom
Dead Smiling Pirates - Get Hammered With You

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