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Text Písně: Spring Awoken - Deadlock

Text Písně - Spring Awoken - Deadlock Text Písně - Spring Awoken - Deadlock
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Videoklip k Písni - Spring Awoken - Deadlock Videoklip k Písni - Spring Awoken - Deadlock
Karaoke k Písni - Spring Awoken - Deadlock Karaoke k Písni - Spring Awoken - Deadlock

Whether you are ever going to feel this warmth again which makes us human.
Create this bright new world.
Cure the cancer of progress with even more progress.
It is the necessary evil.
Half aslept you agree but the money makes you tired.
And in your dream the money adorns your cold driven heart.
But it is not your fault.
And the next spring will never awake.
But it is not your fault.
Sleep well...

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