Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dizmas > Riots & Violence

Text Písně: Riots & Violence - Dizmas

Text Písně - Riots & Violence - Dizmas Text Písně - Riots & Violence - Dizmas
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Karaoke k Písni - Riots & Violence - Dizmas Karaoke k Písni - Riots & Violence - Dizmas

Riots and violence!
Thanks for the rainbow
But I'll make my own
Dance the night away
Thanks for the rainbow
But I'll make my own
Come on, come on, there's something
That we've, that we've been missing
Long lost love, I've yet to find you

If that's you, if that's you we will know
If that's you, if that's you we will go
Enjoy the show
You've got it figured out
We'll find our way back too
We'll find our way to you
And our hearts will shine like you

Riots and violence!
Thanks for the rainbow
But I'll make my own
Slow down my robot,
Let's end this, let's end this
This is more than a broken heart
Long lost love, I've yet to find you

This is more than a broken heart

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dizmas:

Dizmas - Let This One Stay
Dizmas - Night Divine
Dizmas - Controversy

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dizmas:

Dizmas - Worth Fighting For
Dizmas - Dance
Dizmas - Jealousy Hurts
Dizmas - This Is A Warning
Dizmas - Worth Fighting For*

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