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Text Písně: Jesus Christ Homosexual - Corporate Avenger

Text Písně - Jesus Christ Homosexual - Corporate Avenger Text Písně - Jesus Christ Homosexual - Corporate Avenger
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Not saying that it's good,
Not saying that it's right,
But the Virgin Mary may have been
A hermaphorodite.

Motherfuckin' go!
Motherfuckin' go!
Motherfuckin' go!

God is good, God is great,
I think that he might be gay.

Not saying God is gay,
Not saying that at all.
But if Jesus Christ was God and God created all.
Then Jesus Christ created the homosexual.
There might be a little fag in us all.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ

They say that God hates Fags,
They walk around so pissed.
Disguise their hate as love,
But have they thought of this.
He made us in his image,
Now listen to what I say.
Then it's a possibility that Jesus Christ was gay.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ

Not saying God is gay,
Not saying that at all.
But if Jesus Christ was God and God created all.
Then Jesus Christ created the homosexual.
There might be a little fag in us all.
He made us in his image,
Now listen to what I say.
Then it's a possibility that Jesus Christ was gay.

Not saying that it's good,
Not saying that it's right,
But could the Virgin Mary have been a hermaphorodite?
She was with a child without having a man?
And that's not the only thing that I don't understand.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ

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