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Text Písně: Eternal Summer - Celtic Frost

Text Písně - Eternal Summer - Celtic Frost Text Písně - Eternal Summer - Celtic Frost
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Karaoke k Písni - Eternal Summer - Celtic Frost Karaoke k Písni - Eternal Summer - Celtic Frost

The pyramids tremble, darken the sun, (the) sky tums red
They reached the wall of no return (and the) breeze has stopped
Who wore the crown will never be known - might is broken
For all we'll drown into the sand - what will remain?

Inverted horizons, denied truth and blinded eyes
The Titans arise, the monuments fall, we cannot halt
Wishful pleads at last came true, some always knew
The clouds burn - or is it fire? ... the gods wince

Human pride and megalomania - The Titans watched it all
The trace led to nowhere - Wrath had to come
As ushers at the gates - To ecstasy and excess
AII turn their backs - They won't give us any rest

(The) fires won't redeem, illuminated's the night - the eternal summer
When they came high from the sphere on shrieking wings ...
Now they're trapped to the ground, to heat and dust
And the eye is glowing above ...

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Celtic Frost - (Beyond The) North Winds
Celtic Frost - Fainted Eyes
Celtic Frost - Necromantical Screams
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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Celtic Frost:

Celtic Frost - Progeny
Celtic Frost - Ground
Celtic Frost - A Dying God Coming Into Human Flesh
Celtic Frost - Drown In Ashes
Celtic Frost - Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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