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Text Písně: Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass

Text Písně - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass Text Písně - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass
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Videoklip k Písni - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass Videoklip k Písni - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass
Karaoke k Písni - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass Karaoke k Písni - Rot 'n' Roll - Carcass

[Music: Steer]
[Lyrics: Walker]

Can you smell the rot?
As opportunity knocks.
The foul stench of success.

This carcass in decay,
Well past it's sell-by date.
This time the fall comes before the pride.

The chameleon's changed its shade,
But the same old song, to the same old tune is played.
Falling to the bait,
But the song still sounds the same.
Let's rot ...C'mon, rot!

This carcass in decay,
Tell me, can you smell the rot?

[lead - Steer]

The chameleon's changed its shade,
But the same old song, to the same old tune is played.
Kill me, it's unbrave
But the song remains the same.
Let's rot, let's rot ...C'mon, rot!

Commiserations or celebrations of a rejuvenation?
Commiserations or celebrations of a rejuvenation?

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Carcass - No Love Lost
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Carcass - Embodiment

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Carcass - Emotional Flatline
Carcass - Ever Increasing Circles
Carcass - Blood-Spattered Banner
Carcass - I Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)

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