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Hudební skupiny > C > Cadaveria > Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist

Text Písně: Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist - Cadaveria

Text Písně - Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist - Cadaveria Text Písně - Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist - Cadaveria
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Karaoke k Písni - Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist - Cadaveria Karaoke k Písni - Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist - Cadaveria

I love people who make things
I love conversations.
I saw people inside a wrapping
Like a protective veil for their soul.
Atypical suggestions by a dead artist
I recorded my image on a film still
To seal my existing condition.
I praised appearance and style
while I was visiting exhibitions to fight boredom and depression,
to satisfy my thirst of visual celebrations and of intellectual stimulations.
Atypical suggestions by a dead artist
I experienced the hallucination of panic
Through sweat, breathing and suffocation.
And I found again my direction
When I spoke to a man who told me what I wanted to hear.
I need to be loved once in a day.
I need two days to re-enter from my mental disease.
I need to be loved once in a day.
Atypical suggestions by a dead artist

Další písničky hudební skupiny Cadaveria:

Cadaveria - Enlightened
Cadaveria - Blood And Confusion
Cadaveria - Eleven Three O Three
Cadaveria - Irreverent Elegy
Cadaveria - The Divine Rapture

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Cadaveria:

Cadaveria - 100000 Faces
Cadaveria - The Dream
Cadaveria - Anagram
Cadaveria - Memento Audere Semper
Cadaveria - Laying in Black

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