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Hudební skupiny > B > Burden Of A Day > The Mason

Text Písně: The Mason - Burden Of A Day

Text Písně - The Mason - Burden Of A Day Text Písně - The Mason - Burden Of A Day
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Videoklip k Písni - The Mason - Burden Of A Day Videoklip k Písni - The Mason - Burden Of A Day
Karaoke k Písni - The Mason - Burden Of A Day Karaoke k Písni - The Mason - Burden Of A Day

If I could know the way this ends
I'd then understand

I'll live what It is to be made from the best of you
Let my hands make movement for hearts of the tested few

If I could know the way
The way this ends
I'd then understand (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
If I could know the way (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
I'd see the glory in these hands

I'm placing stone upon stone but this castle Is falling faster than my hands
They're gained the west wall fall back to the stabies
Prepare for the last stand

I end here you start now
Like iron sharpens iron I will make you better you will make me
My best like sea salt to my skin without you
I am but a tasteless man

If I could know the way
The way this ends I'd then understand (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
If I could know the way (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
I'd see the glory in these hands

This is end this is end
This armor weighs but I will fight till I face the sky
If I could know the way (wooh oh wooh oh oh)

If I could know the way
The way this ends
I'd then understand (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
If I could know the way (wooh oh wooh oh oh)
I'd see the glory in these

Další písničky hudební skupiny Burden Of A Day:

Burden Of A Day - The Shame In Shedding Wool
Burden Of A Day - Sly Foxes
Burden Of A Day - Isadora Duncan
Burden Of A Day - OneOneThousand
Burden Of A Day - Modern Gentleman

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Burden Of A Day:

Burden Of A Day - Remember
Burden Of A Day - Fool Me Once

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