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Text Písně: All That Matters - ABC

Text Písně - All That Matters - ABC Text Písně - All That Matters - ABC
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Videoklip k Písni - All That Matters - ABC Videoklip k Písni - All That Matters - ABC
Karaoke k Písni - All That Matters - ABC Karaoke k Písni - All That Matters - ABC

I believe that this world was made for everyone

I can see all that wealth won't make a champion

All that matters in my world (life)

All that matters to me is you

Only you, Only you

All that matters, Only you

I don't care what people say, what people do

(let 'em talk)

I don't share that state of mind, that point of view

(let 'em sue)


From the top of my head to the tip of my toes

From the sole of my shoes through every stitch in my clothes

Each beat of my heart, each molecule

All that matters to me is you

All that matters to me is you

All that matters to me is you

Believe me it's true

(You're all that matters)

Now I wish you'd believe it too

Only you, Only you

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