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Text Písně: Lingering Existence - Brodequin

Text Písně - Lingering Existence - Brodequin Text Písně - Lingering Existence - Brodequin
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Sadistic inclinations left unchecked by an absolute power interested in obtaining
The truth traditional methods fail to provide the desired effect

Torture a penalty in itself as a prelude to execution

Small cuts and stab wounds help ensure a lingering end importance falls on
The note that the victim shall fell himself die

Hung upside down legs spread wide saw slides between the thighs struggling and screaming
Fills the merciless executioner's eyes choking and vomiting on your blood
Flowing like Caligula's wine

Další písničky hudební skupiny Brodequin:

Brodequin - Cast Into Torment
Brodequin - Verdrinken
Brodequin - Punishment Without Mercy
Brodequin - Mazzetello
Brodequin - Judas Cradle

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Brodequin:

Brodequin - Slaves To The Pyre
Brodequin - The Gridiron
Brodequin - The Red Theatre
Brodequin - Pressing To Plead
Brodequin - Tyburn Field

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