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Hudební skupiny > A > A Vain Attempt > I Saw Her Face

Text Písně: I Saw Her Face - A Vain Attempt

Text Písně - I Saw Her Face - A Vain Attempt Text Písně - I Saw Her Face - A Vain Attempt
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Karaoke k Písni - I Saw Her Face - A Vain Attempt Karaoke k Písni - I Saw Her Face - A Vain Attempt

saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

love with her, love with her
love with her, love with her

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

And I hope you will
cause I miss you too
and i'll forever being yours

I saw her face, I can't deny, That I fell in love with her

I saw her face

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A Vain Attempt - She Was A Princess
A Vain Attempt - You Broke My Heart
A Vain Attempt - I Can't Escape
A Vain Attempt - Your Enemy May Act Like Your Friend
A Vain Attempt - This Funeral Wasn't Meant For You

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny A Vain Attempt:

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