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Hudební skupiny > B > Born From Pain > Judgement

Text Písně: Judgement - Born From Pain

Text Písně - Judgement - Born From Pain Text Písně - Judgement - Born From Pain
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It's in the air
You can't escape it
You can't prepare
We've had our chances
We've played our part
See it coming down
Hitting hard

Judgement strikes
It strikes us down
Society's sickness' grown
In all our hearts without a sound
Judgement strikes
We rise to fall
Time is drawing nearer
Read the writings on the wall

In times when everything we have
Turns to everything we had
Pre-meditated, self-inflicted, manufactured is our...


Další písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - The New Hate
Born From Pain - Kill It Tonight
Born From Pain - Renewal
Born From Pain - Fear This World
Born From Pain - Raging Heart

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Relentless
Born From Pain - Behind Enemy Lines
Born From Pain - Stop At Nothing
Born From Pain - Bury Me Fighting
Born From Pain - Crusader

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