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Text Písně: No god - BlutEngel

Text Písně - No god - BlutEngel Text Písně - No god - BlutEngel
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Karaoke k Písni - No god - BlutEngel Karaoke k Písni - No god - BlutEngel

was willst du mal werden wenn Du groß bist?
Ein Priester.
Weil mein Engel Simon das gesagt hat.
Warum will Simon das Du ein Priester wirst?
Weil ich ein Teil von etwas sein werde.
Und wovon?
Von etwas Gutem.
Und Du glaubst einem Engel, Thomas?

there's a religion i n your life,
but it's not what you need.
there' a god in your life,
but he is not what you need.
he can't hear you when you call.
he can't help you when you cry.
you ask yourself,
where's the leader who leads you?
is this god still alive? why can't you still believe?
is this god still alive? why can't you still believe?

wake up and face reality, realize there is no god.
wake up open your eyes,
no paradise on the other side!
wake up and face reality, realize there is no god.
wake up open your eyes,
no paradise on the other side!

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