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Hudební skupiny > T > Tarja Turunen > The Eyes Of A Child

Text Písně: The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen

Text Písně - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen Text Písně - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen
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Videoklip k Písni - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen Videoklip k Písni - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen
Karaoke k Písni - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen Karaoke k Písni - The Eyes Of A Child - Tarja Turunen

When you look to the past for lifes long hidden meaning
For the dreams and the plans made in your youth
Does the thrill to achieve match the warm hidden feeling
That lies so still and lives in you

In the eyes of a child there is joy, there is laughter
There is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future
For the lessons of life there is no better teacher
Than the look in the eyes of a child

Youve found the place to walk the path youve chosen
Youll never miss the world youve left behind
When life gives life, its happiness unbroken
When you give love, its love youll find

In the eyes of a child there is joy, there is laughter
There is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future
For the lessons of life there is no better teacher
Than the look in the eyes of a child

In the eyes of a child there is joy, there is laughter
There is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future
For the lessons of life there is no better teacher
Than the look in the eyes of a child

In the eyes of a child there is joy, there is laughter
There is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future
For the lessons of life there is no better teacher
Than the look in the eyes of a child

Další písničky hudební skupiny Tarja Turunen:

Tarja Turunen - Today's Night
Tarja Turunen - Wall
Tarja Turunen - Until Dawn (Angels Of Light)
Tarja Turunen - Enough
Tarja Turunen - Wisdom of Wind

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Tarja Turunen:

Tarja Turunen - Leaving You For Me
Tarja Turunen - Tired Of Being Alone
Tarja Turunen - Behind You
Tarja Turunen - Enough
Tarja Turunen - History

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