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Hudební skupiny > T > The Ting Tings > Fruit Machine

Text Písně: Fruit Machine - The Ting Tings

Text Písně - Fruit Machine - The Ting Tings Text Písně - Fruit Machine - The Ting Tings
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Karaoke k Písni - Fruit Machine - The Ting Tings Karaoke k Písni - Fruit Machine - The Ting Tings

You keep playing me like a fruit mach-ine
Puttin' in change systematically
Winning streak that you had over me
It's turned into your broken tragedy

Turn your pockets out onto the street
Now you see you've spent it all on me!
You see my true colors out of sink
Now your skin is a pair of sympathies

You've hit the bottom one hundred times before
Now feel the fever as I leave you wanting more
You thought you could turn and walk away
Taking chances that weren't yours to take

When I don't think so my foolish boy
Watch the next one taking all the joy
Hold me, nudge me, spinning me around
Where's the money?
Can't hear the clicking!

Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching

You keep playing me like a fruit mach-ine
Overstretch your gen-er-o-si-ty
For our band, it's leading you astray
The little we had...
You've thrown it all away!

Go! Go! Go! (Yeah you're on a role)
Go! Go! Go! (Yeah you're on a low)
Go! Go! Go!

You find it hard to stop it yeah
You're running like a steam train
Oh I like the way that you do that
Where's the money?
Can't hear the clicking!

Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching




Ker-ching, Ker-ching, oh!
Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching

Oh, you find it hard to stop it yeah
You're running like a steam train

Ker-ching, Ker-ching
Ker-ching, Ker-ching


Další písničky hudební skupiny The Ting Tings:

The Ting Tings - Traffic light
The Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go
The Ting Tings - Keep Your Head
The Ting Tings - Be the one
The Ting Tings - We walk

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny The Ting Tings:

The Ting Tings - That' S Not My Name
The Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go
The Ting Tings - Be The One
The Ting Tings - Be the one - Thing Things
The Ting Tings - Shut up and let me go - Thing

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