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Hudební skupiny > B > Blind Guardian > Hallelujah

Text Písně: Hallelujah - Blind Guardian

Text Písně - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian Text Písně - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian
Překlad Písně - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian Překlad Písně - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian
Videoklip k Písni - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian Videoklip k Písni - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian
Karaoke k Písni - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian Karaoke k Písni - Hallelujah - Blind Guardian


I am a preacher with a message for my people
Over the world, scratching on the ground
Looking for the peace that nobody has found

I am a spokesman for a better way of living
Love is the word and it can be heard
If you are young the message can be sung

Let me hear you sing

Oh tell it to the man who's power is the sermon on the wall
Tell it to the man who says you can misjudge them all
Tell it 'till it can be heard above the wailing of the crowd
Tell it on the field of war and hope you'll soon be justified

There is a better way of life and it's not so hard to find
If you live and let the people in your world
Speak its mind

I am the pupil who sells his life for freedom
All over the world and it can be heard
If you are young the message can be sung


Další písničky hudební skupiny Blind Guardian:

Blind Guardian - Lionheart
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes (Edited Version)
Blind Guardian - Skalds And Shadows
Blind Guardian - Mister Sandman
Blind Guardian - The Edge

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blind Guardian:

Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silen
Blind Guardian - Script For My Requiem
Blind Guardian - Another Stranger Me
Blind Guardian - Carry The Blessed Home
Blind Guardian - Otherland

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