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Text Písně: Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon

Text Písně - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon Text Písně - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon
Překlad Písně - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon Překlad Písně - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon
Videoklip k Písni - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon Videoklip k Písni - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon
Karaoke k Písni - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon Karaoke k Písni - Starseed - Soundtrack - Armageddon

I let go of the world that was holding
A passenger that could not fly
In search of souls
Souls in search of something
Let it go
Let it slide

When i find out what went on
I'll bring it back
It won't be easy
They won't believe how a man
He could drown
In a starseed

I hoped to find why this world wasn't glowing
Glowing it darkens as we end this ride
I've fallen back under the equator
I'm back inside I'm back inside

When i find out what went on
I'll bring it back but it won't be easy
They won't believe the man he could
But i'd choose starseed over nothing

Další písničky hudební skupiny Soundtrack - Armageddon:

Soundtrack - Armageddon - Leaving On A Jet Plane
Soundtrack - Armageddon - Reklama Na Ticho

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Soundtrack - Armageddon:

Soundtrack - Armageddon - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Soundtrack - Armageddon - Remember Me
Soundtrack - Armageddon - What Kind Of Love Are You On
Soundtrack - Armageddon - La Grande
Soundtrack - Armageddon - Roll Me Away

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