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Text Písně: Dead Sound Of Misery - Blind Guardian

Text Písně - Dead Sound Of Misery - Blind Guardian Text Písně - Dead Sound Of Misery - Blind Guardian
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It's dark
Let's do it now
Bring in the sirens
Cut of their tongues
Do it now
Ignore their cries
Ignore their cries
Now close the door
And leave it
Nothing went wrong
The Archangel is falling
Mourners split
Take heart of grace
A ghostly candle light
Lit my room at night
Son of man
We're breeding wastelands

The blood of Sirens
On my hands
I can't wash away
Still it pours
And stains our land
In bitterness
So cruel
Will ages go by
Dead sound of misery
Come share our sorrows
Be one with the Hydra

It's drown or burn
I'm exploring bedlam
The time is right to move
Bring out the dead
Turn your back
On the ones you have loved
Enjoy the heat of your whore
Hear what the spirits says
There is no sense at all
So many times I have failed
Pure desperation
Still hear the cries
Of voices
Long gone by
They've gone abroad
And left this world behind
Leave me behind
Behind the walls I'm crying

The blood of Sirens...

So many times I have failed
Pure desperation
Still hear the cries
Of voices
Long gone by
They've gone abroad
And left this world behind
Leave me behind
Behind the walls I'm crying

The blood of Sirens...

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Blind Guardian - Scalds And Shadows
Blind Guardian - The Soulforged
Blind Guardian - Punishment Divine

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blind Guardian:

Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silen
Blind Guardian - Script For My Requiem
Blind Guardian - Another Stranger Me
Blind Guardian - Carry The Blessed Home
Blind Guardian - Otherland

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