Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > R > R.E.M. > I Remember California

Text Písně: I Remember California - R.E.M.

Text Písně - I Remember California - R.E.M. Text Písně - I Remember California - R.E.M.
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Videoklip k Písni - I Remember California - R.E.M. Videoklip k Písni - I Remember California - R.E.M.
Karaoke k Písni - I Remember California - R.E.M. Karaoke k Písni - I Remember California - R.E.M.

I remember redwood trees, bumper cars and wolverines
The ocean's Trident submarines
Lemons, limes and tangerines
I remember this

I remember traffic jams
Motor boys and girls with tans
Nearly was and almost rans
I remember this

History is made
History is made to seem unfair

I recall that you were there
Golden smile and shining hair
I recall it wasn't fair
Recollect it wasn't fair
Remembering it wasn't fair outside

Low ebb, high tide
The lowest ebb and highest tide
A symbol wave I must confide
I guess we took us for a ride
I guess it's just a gesture

I remember this defense
Progress fails pacific sense
All those sweet conspiracies
I remember all these things

I remember traffic jams
Motor boys and girls with tans
Nearly was and almost rans
I remember this...this

Low ebb, high tide
The lowest ebb and highest tide
I guess we took us for a ride
I guess its just a gesture.

At the end of the continent
At the edge of the continent

Další písničky hudební skupiny R.E.M.:

R.E.M. - Bonus
R.E.M. - Finest Worksong
R.E.M. - Welcome To The Occupation
R.E.M. - Exhuming McCarthy
R.E.M. - Disturbance At The Heron House

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny R.E.M.:

R.E.M. - Bad day
R.E.M. - Everybody hurts
R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
R.E.M. - Shine Happy People
R.E.M. - Living Well Is the Best Revenge

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